Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all of those you who check up on me here. I miss you and I hope you have a great day. I am lazy music filled morning (Jamie Cullum's All at Sea, love it, T,, thanks) and I am about to open my wrappped present from T.,...drumroll please.....yes, it sat in front of me on my desk every day for maybe 10 days and remained wrapped so I could do this TODAY......Dream Angus, by Alexander McCall Smith.....looks good, I think I will enjoy it. Thanks T! Still has a bit of that new book smell you wnated to be sure was still there ;) International post is not good for new book smells.

Later I will goto dinner at Outback with Kristy, her sister Kelly, who came from Bundang last night, and Rhonda. There may be a movie involved, but I am not sure I want to see a holiday romantic comedy....most of those just aren't that great, I find.

Anyway, y'all have a great day.


Anonymous said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hugs! hope you have a great day!!!

Anonymous said...

Love you, kiddo! Good to hear your voice yesterday. Glad you like the book and the CD...thought you'd like Jamie. Have a great week! Cheers, Teri

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas baby! Hope you had a great day. It was a nice day at home. Would have been nice to see a little snow, but that's ok. Mom & Ed and Kathie came over. It was nice and relaxing. I signed up for international calling and will soon be able to call and talk for 9 cents a minute versus the $4 something I paid for our last talk. Look forward to hearing your voice!

Love you! B