Monday, January 22, 2007

Little bit a Shakin'

PS, We actually had a minor earthquake here the night before last. From the Korean text that came through on my phone, which I can't read, it looked like it was a 4.something, I think. I didn't even feel it, but some coworkers and friends did. I think the epicenter must have been a ways out, but I haven't found anything on the English speaking internet to get details yet. I think the only other one I have been in, in Seattle, was stronger-but that's not saying much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the sweater...I too think the bell sleeves and cuffs look quite pleasing. Have you tried using just fabric softener as recommended?

Hope you're getting more sleep. Sounds (and reads) like you could use it! I'll be praying for you!

I sent you an email to say I ordered a microphone and we can talk via Skype as soon as it arrives (by week's end, I hope). I'll keep you posted.

Glad you faired the earthquake without even noticing! Stay safe!

Love you, kiddo!