Sunday, January 07, 2007


So, do you remember those commercials for some dog treat or other-I can't remeber the brand-that featured a cartoon dog that was all about the bacon? I don't remember the visuals so much as the sound track. Something like this:


Narrator-Your dog won't know that 'name brand here' isn't really bacon.

Dog-Bacon!! (wagging tail)

Narrator continues along the same lines about how it isn't bacon, blah, blah, but your dog will smell it, taste it, etc, and think:


Shot to happy dog with said treat and the last sound is the dog:


OK, well, I've been in Korea for five months. I have eaten entirely too much Korean bacon for it to be good for my arteries. But Since I walk into the stores here and can't read directions, have to buy all fruits in veggies in bulk 90% of the time (90% of which will go bad before I can eat it all on my own), hate too good "real" meals (and none to good of a cook to begin with, I know), and can't find the ingredients easily (if at all) in Wonju for the kind of things I made back home, I have been eating a lot of bacon and eggs (and tobasco) and BLTs. That said, I have been eating them with korean bacon.

Allow me to explain the difference. Korean bacon is wimpy. Yes, WIMPY. Small, short, skinny, thin. Wimpy. makes me laugh when I remember Dad always saying at a restaurant that he wants it crisp. He always has to specify that to the waiter or waitress, sometimes in a way that just made me cringe to be with him (love ya, Dad, but still). Dad, you will not get your wish with korean bacon unless you specify that you want it BLACK. That is how you make korean bacon crispy. You burn the heck out it. A dog would be convinced that Korean bacon is, in fact, bacon. It's been so long since I have seen real bacon, that I forgot that korean bacon is not real bacon. Well, today I went to pick up my firewire cord that I had left with Robin on my last visit, so that I can back up this perecious hard drive o' mine.

Pant, pant.....Robin brought me BACON!!! Folks, we are talkin' the real deal. Kirkland brand bacon from Costco, same as dear old Dad buys at his Costco on the west coast. If they don't have Costco in Ronin (Ronan?) MO, he probably stocks up every time he heads through Spokane. Bacon and Salsa (Do I know dad or what? Eggs, some meat that comes packaged in a roll-like pepperoni, and some sausage patties, and some computery gadget and a couple of books to fill out the carriage, but I digress). So, bacon and Stich and Bitch were the hightlights of my day. Even if all I did was a swatch. Skully is almost done, and therefore too big to cart to Seoul and back. A couple of inches on the arm and I will have to attempt the dreaded seaming.

Yes, bacon. The real deal. Time to whip up some dinner, y'all. Far be it from me to change up my routine today.

On another note, I am hoping that the Airborne cold medication that T sent me will kick this cold right outta me in the beginning stages. None of that lingering of the last cold. Nope, I want to be healthy as a horse, and right as rain when immersion camp starts on Monday.

1 comment:

spinndiva said...

* kicks Malory's cold...
there did that help?
if it makes you feel better, I am having a cold too forever now.. I hate the cough the most.....