Sunday, November 05, 2006


I don't mean to offend. I had no idea some of you were reading my blog-you never told me. I'm lonely, see? I know you get it. But see, here's the thing, no matter where I go, there I am. I can be melancholy in the Mass and make shit for pay and have a boat load of frustrations and barely survive, or I can go somewhere, live with a different but with another set of frustrations and sock away some money. Heaven knows I'd have to work like a bent korean ajumma farmer until I was 95 at home right now because I can't pay bills and save and have yarn back in the States. Besides, here I am exotic. Yes, I get stared at. Yes I hate it sometimes. Sometimes I can ignore it. no, being exotic has not worked in my favor.....yet. Maybe it won't. But I can feel exotic all the same. At least for a little while.


Anonymous said...

I think everytime you get stared at, you need to flash a big smile and preen!

Anonymous said...

Or lick yourself and preen???