Sunday, April 08, 2007

On my bedside table: Fionavar Tapestry book 3.
Weather: yellow dusty.
Mood: pretty good:
List of things to do: a ton.

Sock knitting: disasterous. Frogged the "completed" one for yarn. Started another. Got to the second half of the heel and it didn't match the forst half. Frogged, as per usual. Good yarn, though, it's holding up through all of this. Aobut six froggings.

New TV viewing: Vicar of Dibley, funny. Regenesis, promising, not yet yet addictive. Charlie Jade: good stuff, Robin Hood (no, not the one I loved as a teenager with Michael Praed) doesn't take itself seriously, which is good. Amusing fluff. Some good eye candy.

Music: nothing new :(


spinndiva said...

Don't give up!!! You will master the sock! Show em who is boss!
gooooooooooooooooooo Mallory!

spinndiva said...

/me sings for Mallory, so she has some new Music ;) ( cover your ears!!!)