Thursday, February 22, 2007


Toof wath yanked a week ago. Ith sthill huths. Yuck, but ith getting bettah. Tomorrow I go to Seoul after getting the stitches taken out. Hurray for appointments at the dentist, a perfectly valid reason not to attend the 10 am school meeting I was informed of via text messaging at 6pm tonight. Hahahahahaha. Oh, yeah, that and the reason that I am ON VACATION!!! Thanks to time and some good examples to follow in my fellow teachers, I am learning to navigate and live with the last minute craziness which is working in Korea. I believe the technical term is lastminititus. It infects a huge portion of the population here. Thankfully, it is a largely non-threatening, though frequently annoying, infection that can be avoided with simple, practical precautions. That is not to say that I haven't met several previously uninfected individuals who did not take proper precautions, unfortunately.

I have another invite to return to Seoul on Monday for dinner from a woman I 'met' on Knitty who was living in Mokpo for 3 months. Her husband ships out to sea and she gets a great trip from a family member. It would be great to actually meet her. Her letters home, which she forwarded to me, where descriptive, interesting, and sometimes laugh out loud funny. I could really relate to a lot of what she said. I am not sure if I will make it, but I may try. I just get so sick of being on the bus, and I have moving to think of, utilities to get switched, and eventually, basic lesson plans to be pondered.

I frogged the 1st sock about when it was 40% through because I decided that part of it was too big. If it had been the whole thing, then I would have just shocked it into shape, but it was only a large area after the inside end of the toes. It would of been too floppy, methinks, but I am far from a sock knitting expert. The blanket still sits in the box it has been exiled to. Pardon me for ending a sentence with a preposition. Life goes on, even for English teachers-my apologies to Sarah K., one of the best teachers in the world, and my English teacher for 4 years in private school. One of my favorite not-exactly-a-rule English rules is that once you know the language well enough, you can break the rules. And it is for this reason alone that I may start a sentence with either 'And' or 'Because,' or end a sentence with a preposition.

Had a most fabulous internet chat with T. last night. She finally got on Skype and bought both a mike and camera for her computer. It was so cool to see her and hear her. As she said, we are finally in the age of the Jetsons'. No flying cars on the market yet, but as I saw on 60 Minutes last year or so, there are several prototypes with promise. How cool is that? Maybe, just maybe, my dream of flying will finally come true. So I won't be breaking the sound barrier, flying Tomcats off of air craft carriers or piloting shuttles to space (with role models like Lisa Nowak, that might not be a bad thing!) but I might be able to fly my personal aircraft to the 200 meter (high) tier parking level someday!

Alright, time to get to work on that sock I recast. Well see how much I can get done whilst watching a subtitled movie. And for those of you who think that Americans using 'whilst' is snobby (I read this the other day), kiss my gluteous maximus (private joke, sorry y'all).

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