Sunday, February 11, 2007

KT still sucks

Yup, they sure do. First, Eddie and I both lost internet at the same time on Friday night. We could only get to an all korean web page that was clearly asking for an ID and passqword, which neither of us had ever set up. So, she souldn't even check her email. I knew I still had an actual connection, because my email worked, since I do not got to a weebsite, but use a separate program. The "engineer" (read, tech, as I well know from back home-if you had called the techs at Adelphia engineers, oh, the hilarity that would have endsued!) arrived and got us both bak online and gave us both IDs and passwords for future reference. He said they are having server problems affecting all customers, which was to be fixed by today, but let me tell you, moving from one site to the next is like watching paint dry right now.

Hmmm, so one teacher is leaving to get married and move, and the school is frantically looking for a replacement, who will get his apartment rather than a more senior teacher (read, me, because I asked for it and don't have other forms of compensation that others have accepted-selfish, probably, do I care? Not really. I want to be able to walk to school and pay 2/3 less for heating bills). So, we are losing a good teacher and a great guy. Also, our director is leaving. Losing a another great guy who really cares about the teachers. Heaven only knows what will happen now. Did I mention that I probably won't know wjhat grade I am teaching until a week before term starts? Ugh. I'd rather prepare now and be done with it.

Sorry folks, too lazy to get some pictures on from a walk in the area. Maybe next time. It would take for-frackin'-ever for them to upload anyway!

1 comment:

spinndiva said...

* kicks Mallory's internet*work dammit!!!!!
glad to read some news though...
hope everything goes well have my fingers crossed for the appartement...and that the replacements are nice people...