Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Well, it is official, I will be moving. Charles is leaving to work in a new town and school, and I will take over his apartment when he leaves. The people who run the building where I currently live are great and I will miss knowing that getting someone to take care of something, or getting packages delivered is no problem, but the new place is walking distance to school and is in an area with restaurants, coffee shops, etc. It is closer to downtown as well, and is still close to my friends who will continue to live in Unisville. Hopefully moving will not be too much of a hassle, and I will be able to just switch the utilities into my name. I will probably cancel my landline and couldn't get cable in that building if I wanted it. The owners have a deal with the satellite company, but satellite is too expensive to be worth it, and I will not pay to get cable in the new place-installation is expensive and I hardly use it. So, internet is my main concern.

Once I move my packages will be delivered to the school rather than my home, and I will get the new address out to anyone that wants it. Hmm, I will miss having a dryer, but I will have my own washer, and the utilities will be cheaper, so I can turn on the floor heat to dry my clothes in the winter. :)

Also official, this school year is over. A new teacher that will be coming in tomorrow to look for an apartment for himself and his wife. We still do not have a replacement teacher for Charles. At this point, most reputable teachers have positions lined up for the new year. We may well all be pulling down some overtime to cover classes for a bit. That should be interesting. How much overtime I am williing to do, quite frankly, depends on how well my classes are blocked and what grade I will be teaching. That's right, I still don't know.

The new head of the English department has been chosen-a Korean teacher that I do not know at all, except by sight. She doesn't speak English. My current co-teacher will be her assistant (basically overseeing) immersion classes, J. will oversee regular English classes, and D. will oversee English specail classes. I do not think that my current co-teacher will be my co-teacher next year. Who that will be remains to be seen.

All in all, things are looking pretty good. Now, I am just waiting to get the darn tooth pulled. It hasn't bothered me much, but has been just troublesome enough that I have decided to keep my appointment to have it pulled. If all goes well and I am not in pain, then I will make it the Stitch and Bitch on Sunday too!


Anonymous said...

Yay, see you Sunday then! Bring your monster molar with you!

spinndiva said...

wohooo to the move!!!