Saturday, October 07, 2006

Ok, my apologies. I told a lot of people that I would update my blog while on Chusok vacation but I have thus far failed to due so. My excuse, pitiful as it is, is that I am still sick and also (not an excuse) being more than a little lazy. I woke up with a horrible migraine today. So bad that I did not hear the phone ring when Anna said she called. I tried to eat around 1 pm, but failed and took some daytime cold medicine. Daytime or not, it knocked me out unitl 4 pm. I managed to get up and take a very slow walk before it got dark. I should eat something, but seeing as how I live in the middle of nowhere, no restaurants witha na appetizing menu deliver to where I am am. Cook, you say? Ha-and I thought you knew me.

Actually, wuth any luck, I will manage a grilled cheese sandwich before the headache takes over again. In the meanwhile, since I can't really think straight, I am not going to try to construct a third grade test, but watch comfort tv on my computer, and, if I am not too wiped, knit. I did manage to get 8 skeins of a lovely soft poly yarn in a light purple from Dongdaemun while in Seoul on Sun-Tues with Desi this week. I also met some of the ultimate frisbee players and had fun and hoisted a few brews with them. I was invited to go camping this weekend with them, but as I am not big on camping (if you know and love me, you know I love handy facilities), and that much of the talk was all about hooking up (and as yet, I've no one one the horizon in that regard), I decided to pass. Plus, I lived out of my bags for 3 days whilst in Seoul and did not want to do that again. I have lived out of bags quite a bit in the last 2 1/2 months and it;s not something I really enjoy. I always misplace things I really need. Like that pesky wallet. Imageine that. At least I have no keys here. Have I mentioned that you don't need keys for my door? You enter a four digit code. Viola. Varsagod.

Ok, pictures. yep. I know that's what you really wnat, and that's the part that takes forever.

1 comment:

spinndiva said...

get better! sending you some good vibes!