Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sorry y'all, I'm still not posting regularly. I got very sick over this last week an I am still getting over it. I was getting over it, then work got very stressful. Now I am expected to put together lesson plans without knowing work book pages. I was told, "Oh, you can add that later," and the idea that I only want to do this once.......oh wait, it's not even in my contract! The fact that I STILL refuse to do work that will extend beyond my contract (because, you know, it's BEYOND MY CONTRACT) is being ignored. Even by the western member of the admin. This last part makes me laugh. Everyone is using phrases as if I am going to go ahead and do it. Which I am not, even if I am sure I will renew. Which I most certainly am not. Aaron borrowed a phrase from the movie Blood Diamond, which was TIA (this is Africa) and we now say TIK, this is Korea.

Went to the doctor yesterday, as I had been so sick over the weekend. Aaron was so good to me, though. He basically took care of me all weekend long, while he was here. I am lucky, no? I am just not used to all this attention, but it was nice to not have to worry about too much stuff.

OK, folks, I'm still really beat so I'm gonna call it quits for now. I want to end on a positive note, though. These days, that means something usually means something not Korean, but I will try to think up something Korean, too. Here goes.

(Korean) 1. My co-teacher from last year, Amy is wonderful.
2. My co-teacher this year is Kim Yoon Soon, and she embodies her English name, Grace (I need to learn this from her). She wanted to change it. I told her it was perfect.

Not Korean: 1. Aaron sent me a huge bouquet of flowers for Valentines Day.
2. He happily took care of me when I was sick.

My camera is not happy with me, so here is a not-so-great picture of the flowers.


Robin Hudson said...

Sorry to hear you're not feeling up to par. And, being sick in a foreign country blows even more. Hope you feel better quick! <3

spinndiva said...

OOhhh so sorry you are sick! So glad you got Aaron to take care of you! Pretty flowers too! :)
Glad you like your co teachers!

Get better!

Hubby watched Leopard....dunno how he liked it though..

Psssst: it explodes in the end...LOL (not really, I have no clue, I did not see it)